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The Tournament is a weekly event that was added to PokéFarm on the 12th of August 2016.

Note: Visit this page to view all the previous Tournaments!
Weekly Tournament Main Page

Users participate in events that are centered around various features on site, such as hatching eggs and scouring. Each Event has three tasks that increase with difficulty. Each one cleared gives a higher reward at the end of the Tournament. Tokens are awarded to those who complete these tasks, Tokens can then be used for various prizes in the Prize Shop. Tokens are also tradable between users.

Current Tournament

Below is a breakdown of what can be found in this section on the main Tournament page.

Seasons and Events

A Season consists of 12 events and affects what is available in the Prize Shop and what Tokens and Fakemon are given out as prizes each Tournament. The amount of Tokens awarded at the end of the Tournament is dependent on the task completed. Completing the Easy Task will award 1 Token, completing the Medium Task will award 3 Tokens, and completing the Hard Task will award 5 Tokens.

Note: The rewards do not stack.

Tournament Schedule

Times listed go by PokéFarm's current server time.
08:00 Saturday - Sign-up opens, users can join here.
07:00 Monday - The event begins.
06:59 Saturday - The event closes, scores are counted.
08:00 Saturday - Prizes can be claimed from the tournament page.


Note: During the Stellar Type V~Wave any Tournament asking for it to "match the V~Wave" will accept any type.

The objective changes with each event, each event revolves around a site feature. Below is a list of the different objective categories and the amounts needed to reach each goal:

Objective Sub-Categories Easy Goal Medium Goal Hard Goal
Evolve Pokemon
  • Any
  • 4 Points
  • 12 Points
  • 60 Points
  • Variety
  • 20 Points
  • 50 Points
  • 250 Points
  • V~Wave
  • 4 Points
  • 8 Points
  • 40 Points
Hatch Eggs
  • Any
  • 12 Points
  • 48 Points
  • 120 Points
  • Variety
  • 120 Points
  • 300 Points
  • 600 Points
  • From Lab
  • 12 Points
  • 36 Points
  • 90 Points
  • From Shelter
  • 12 Points
  • 42 Points
  • 108 Points
  • Bred in your Daycare
  • 12 Points
  • 36 Points
  • 90 Points
  • Matching POTD
  • 3 Points
  • 10 Points
  • 32 Points
  • Matching V~Wave
  • 36 Points
  • 200 Points
  • 500 Points
  • Matching x color in Pokédex
  • 6 Points
  • 24 Points
  • 90 Points
  • Having x Nature
  • 4 Points
  • 18 Points
  • 60 Points
  • Having x Body Style
  • 6 Points
  • 24 Points
  • 90 Points
Obtain Valuable Items from Scouring
  • 30 Points
  • 120 Points
  • 300 Points
Earn Interaction Points
  • 7,000 Points
  • 49,000 Points
  • 200,000 Points
Harvest Berries from the Garden
  • 60 Points
  • 200 Points
  • 750 Points
Catch Pokemon from Fishing
  • 15 Points
  • 60 Points
  • 240 Points

Hatch a Variety of Eggs

During the tournament users receive 1 point per egg or 10 points per unique species. Only unique eggs will avoid breaking Shiny Hunt chains. A unique species means an egg that has not been hatched during the tournament. E.G. A user hatches a single Charmander egg which equals 10 points; however, all Charmander eggs hatched after that first egg will result in 1 point per egg.

Variant eggs are counted as unique eggs meaning if a user hatches a Kantonian Vulpix and an Alolan Vulpix for the first time they will both be counted as a unique species.

Hatch Eggs Matching x

Hatch the PotD Example

The Objectives to hatch eggs matching POTD, V~Wave, x colour in the Pokédex, or x Body style will have a link in the Objective. This link is usually the name of whichever it states to match and once a user clicks on this link a list will pop up of which Pokémon users should hatch. As long as the user hatches the Pokémon on the list or a Variant/Exclusive that matches the objective it will not break a shiny chain.

  • Hatch Eggs matching X colour in the Pokédex.
    • The word X is the link and will show the X-coloured Eggs.
  • Hatch the Pokémon of the Day.
    • The words Pokémon of the Day are a link and will show "A benevolent Alakazam predicts the future Pokémon of the Day!" for the entire week of the Tournament.
  • Hatch Pokémon having good type affinity with the V~Wave.
    • The word type affinity would be a link that shows that day's V~Wave and how many points a user would get per type.
    • Dual-type Eggs will score based on the higher types' scores.
      • If one of these types matches the V~Wave exactly, that Egg will not break a user's Shiny Hunting Chain.
    • Delta Pokémon will not break a user's Shiny Chain as long as the Pokémon's default typing matches the V~Wave.
    • The Stellar V~Wave that is active during Type Race will accept any type and count as neutral (scoring 4 points).
  • Hatch eggs matching x nature.
    • The best technique for this objective is to breed Pokémon that match that nature and have them hold an Everstone. The Everstone will give a higher chance for the Pokémon to pass down that nature to the eggs. Another technique is to shelter hunt eggs and check the egg's summary page to see if the parents are both holding an Everstone and match the nature. Nevertheless, if a user has a shiny chain and hatches a Pokémon that is not a part of that chain it will break their chain.

Obtain Valuable Items from Scouring

Any item counts as a "Valuable Item" in scour tournaments, not including the first Scour Retrieval of the day. Totem Stickers and Zygarde Cells will override normal finds. Therefore, the points rewarded will be for what the users would have gotten for the normal find.

The following is what users have found for how many points for which treasure:

Treasure Points Earned
  • Nothing
  • First Retrieval of the Day
0 Points
1 Point
2 Points
3 Points
4 Points
5 Points


Target Progress

This is where the user's progress on the current event is displayed. The current score/points for the user is displayed above the event targets. When a target is completed, a tick will appear next to it.

The Leaderboard is the more competitive aspect of the Tournaments. There are places for 250 users on the Leaderboard. The Show full button allows users to show all 250 places. Clicking this button when viewing all 250 places changes it back to viewing only 5 places. Staying on the Leaderboard requires the user to have a higher score than the user currently in the 250th place—the leaderboard updates once per minute. When the Tournament closes, the 250 users who are on the Leaderboard (or more if there are users tied for the 250th place) are awarded an Exclusive Egg; this egg changes with each event and one random egg given out is guaranteed to hatch as a Shiny, Albino, or (very rarely) Melanistic.

Note: The awarded egg will not break your shiny chain upon hatching.

Prize Shop

Tournament Shop

The Tournament Prize Shop can be found underneath the total amount of tokens in the Tournament Tokens section. Here users can exchange tokens for prizes including Pokémon and items. You can go to the Prize Shop here.

The first section of the shop contains Fakémon, which may be unlocked with Tokens. Additional Eggs may be purchased with GP. The second section has Miscellaneous Prizes, including Mega Stones and Forme Changers. XD001 and Meltan Eggs may also be purchased here.

Note: Eggs that are bought from the Prize Shop will break your shiny chain upon hatching.

Fakemon Eggs

Seasons 1 - 20
Name Price Season
Blophin x1 1
Lunupine x1 1
Faemueño x1 1
Orkit x1 1
Wagell x1 2
Gosold x1 2
Impyre x1 2
Searene x1 2
Bunbori x1 3
Ardik x1 3
Solynx x1 3
Boxaby x1 3
Flarbat x1 4
Hydrark x1 4
Taiveret x1 4
Gragon x1 4
Quetzephyr x1 5
Luckoo x1 5
Arasprit x1 5
Pixrine x1 5
Bandicoon x1 6
Phastix x1 6
Kitsunari x1 6
Kryptik x1 6
Tillink x1 7
Minibbit x1 7
Glaquine x1 7
Pasovan x1 7
Ayeren x1 8
Klaatupillar x1 8
Skeleco x1 8
Bezerell x1 8
Kyutopi x1 9
Kenyip x1 9
Petripeep x1 9
Maravol x1 9
Gumairy x1 10
Puppod x1 10
Rokiwi x1 10
Alicalf x1 10
Valkind x1 11
Croaket x1 11
Slypin x1 12
Selkrub x1 12
Kawotor x1 13
Kitwurm x1 13
Pepyre x1 14
Aphreyd x1 14
Valimp x1 15
Caimaw x1 15
Frusky x1 16
Skyrie x1 16
Sikannos x1 17
Shinorin x1 17
Goschief x1 18
Mocknock x1 18
Flurrawr x1 19
Parapod x1 19
Caprikid x1 20
Tenrekki x1 20
Seasons 21 - Current
Name Price Season
Lunamor x1 21
Possmol x1 21
Exilant x1 22
Lyruse x1 22
Inferial x1 23
Smokackle x1 23
Mirrasma x1 24
Slithugi x1 24
Ryumen x1 25
Babaisy x1 25
Schweepy x1 26
Cinnamoru x1 26
Quokuddle x1 27
Chark x1 27
Dribbit x1 28
Seistatic x1 28
Jestur x1 29
Embretta x1 29
Platykit x1 30
Sugarcoatl x1 30
Humbee x4 31
Destrel x4 31
Tulby x12 32
Erminja x12 32

Miscellaneous Prizes

Miscellaneous Prizes
Name Image Price
Beast Ball x8
Bouquet x12
Blue Orb x18
Red Orb x18
Prison Bottle x18
Scarlet Book x18
Violet Book x18
Mythrite x26
Opal x26
Dragon Ball x26
Korokunite Q x34
Adamantite x34
Borealis Lantern x34
Mega Stone Voucher x3
Data Volume Voucher x3
Mega Stone Voucher Q x6
Tier 1 Salon Voucher x1
Tier 2 Salon Voucher x2
Tier 3 Salon Voucher x3
Doom Seed x5 x1
Black Pokéblock ×5 x1
Reset Bag ×5 x1
Strawberry Sweet x1
Berry Sweet x1
Love Sweet x1
Star Sweet x1
Clover Sweet x1
Flower Sweet x1
Ribbon Sweet x1
Scrap Metal x1
Gimmighoul Coin x1
Wellspring Mask x2
Cornerstone Mask x2
Hearthflame Mask x2
XD001 (Egg) x1
Meltan (Egg) x1
Melmetal x40


Tokens are used as a currency in the Prize Shop, which can be found mentioned above. They are normally obtained by participating in the Tournament. However, they can also be obtained by trading with other users or from Gragon's Gift. They currently serve no other purpose.

Note: Gragon's Gift contains 2 of the current season's Tournament Tokens. This means there is a chance that the current Tournament Tokens can be found in the Market before the first tournament of the newest season is finished.
  • Tokens from the current season can be traded down to tokens from the previous season at a 1:1 rate.
  • The previous season's Tokens cannot be exchanged for the current season's Tokens.
  • Tokens from 2 seasons ago can also be traded up to tokens from the previous season at a 3:1 rate.
  • Tokens older than 2 seasons ago are Legacy Items and cannot be used or traded up; however, they can be sold from the user's Inventory for 10,000.

Below is a table of Seasons, the Tokens awarded and how many events took place in the Season.

Seasons 1 - 20
Season Token Colour # of Events
1 Blue Token 12 Events
2 Red Token 12 Events
3 Yellow Token 12 Events
4 Green Token 12 Events
5 Water Token 12 Events
6 Fire Token 12 Events
7 Electric Token 12 Events
8 Grass Token 12 Events
9 Sapphire Token 12 Events
10 Ruby Token 12 Events
11 Citrine Token 12 Events
12 Emerald Token 12 Events
13 Cerulean Token 12 Events
14 Crimson Token 12 Events
15 Goldenrod Token 12 Events
16 Viridian Token 12 Events
17 Iolite Token 12 Events
18 Agate Token 12 Events
19 Topaz Token 12 Events
20 Peridot Token 12 Events
Seasons 21 - Current
Season Token Colour # of Events
21 Ocean Token 12 Events
22 Volcano Token 12 Events
23 Desert Token 12 Events
24 Forest Token 12 Events
25 Ice Token 12 Events
26 Fighting Token 12 Events
27 Ground Token 12 Events
28 Bug Token 12 Events
29 Lazuli Token 12 Events
30 Jasper Token 12 Events
31 Amber Token 12 Events
32 Jade Token 12 Events


  • Exclusives released in Tournaments cannot breed for 2 seasons after they have been released. Unless they are considered as a PFQ Mythical/Legendary Pokémon.
  • The current PFQ Exclusive Mythical/Legendary Pokémon are Bunbori, Lunamor, Sikannos, Shinorin, and XD001.
  • Before the 1st of January 2023, the leaderboard would only show 5 places in the top 100. These 5 places were the 5 places above the user's current place.
  • Before the 18th of May 2024:
    • The leaderboard would only show the top 100 players, and only the top 100 would be awarded the top prize.
    • The top prize would cycle between the past and current season's Exclusive Eggs.
  • Before the 10th of June 2024, the leaderboard would update once per hour.