Summary Page

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A Summary Page displays a Pokémon's personal information, and can be accessed by clicking on a Pokémon's or Egg's name.

Public Summary

The Public Summary Page of a Pokémon.

A Summary Page will appear differently depending on the Pokémon's owner. Users who do not have ownership of a Pokémon will only be able to access its Public Summary Page. A Public Summary contains general information regarding a Pokémon and cannot be edited. Its features are as follows:


A Pokémon's appearance is displayed on its Summary Page. There are three appearance sections. They feature: the standard sprite, a custom Dressed Up sprite (if applicable), and realistic PokéDex artwork. Other information displayed on the Display Boxes include: gender, level, EXP, taste preferences, and held items.


The Summary Page's Timeline lists notable events relative to a Pokémon, in the order in which they happened. Listed events include:

  • Method of Creation: A Pokémon or Egg being created as a Starter, a Lab Egg, Bred by a User, transfered from PF1 via. Pokétransfer, or being Summoned.
  • Release: A Pokémon or Egg running away, or being released into the shelter.
  • Obtained: A Pokémon or Egg being obtained through Adoption, or granted as a Starter or Legendary Egg.
  • Hatched: A Pokémon being hatched.
    • An additional event is added to a Pokémon's Timeline if hatched as a Shiny Pokémon.
  • Level: A Pokémon increasing its level.
    • Only a Pokémon's most recent Level-Up while being owned by one specific user is shown in its Timeline.
    • The User who granted the last interaction, causing the Level-Up, is also listed.
  • Evolution: A Pokémon undergoing Evolution.
  • Traded: A Pokémon being traded, wonder traded, or gifted.

Public Summary Tabs

On the top-right corner of ever Summary Page, is a horizontal scroll box which holds further Pokémon information. The Public Summary shows four tabs. Each Tab and their featured information are listed below in order:


The General Tab lists the Pokémon's Species, Stage, and Custom Description. A Pokémon's Species Name will link to the corresponding Pokédex entry if it has been unlocked in the PokéDex, an error message will display if it is still locked.

The Contest Tab of a Pokémon's Summary.


The Advanced Tab contains a Pokémon's official PokéDex description, its Nature and berry preferences, its Happiness, IQ, held item, along with a link to a Pokémon's Heritage page, and provides a list of the Users who have interacted with the Pokémon since the start of the Server day (00:00).


The Contest Tab displays a Pokémon's Contest Stat Levels (Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, and Tough), and also its Sheen Level. These features have not been implemented yet, so this tab serves as a placeholder for the time being.

The Battle Tab of a Pokémon's Summary.


The Battle tab shows the stats of a Pokémon, including Base Stats, IVs, EVs, and final stats used to calculate damage in battles. The graphic on the left side of the tab shows the relative IVs generated for that Pokémon and the EVs that have been granted to the Pokémon through Super Training.


The final tab on the Summary Page is the Report Tab. The Report tab is to be used to report offensive and inappropriate information displayed on a Pokémon's Summary Page. Incorrect use of the Report feature may lead to consequences for the accusing user.

Private Summary

Almost identical to its counterpart, a Pokémon's Private Summary displays much of the same information that is shown on its Public Summary. Unlike the Public Summary, a Private Summary is open to alterations and customizations. Also different in from the Public Summary, the Private Summary replaces the Report Tab with Display and Options tabs. Each tab's Private Summary features are listed below.

File:Advanced Summary Tab.png
The Advanced Tab of a Pokémon's Private Summary.


A custom description for a Pokémon may be set on this tab. Limited BBCodes are available for use inside a Pokémon's custom description, they are the: [b] (bold), [i] (italicize) and [u] (underline) tags.


The Advanced tab on a Pokémon's Private Summary contains a "Give" link which can be used to equip Pokémon with a held item. Clicking an item's name will take back a Pokémon's held item. Clicking the "Give" link when a Pokémon is already holding an item, allows for item swapping. These features are particularly useful when trying to evolve some Pokémon, or when trading items.

The Display Tab of a Pokémon's Private Summary.


The Display Tab is the fourth tab on the Private Summary Page's scroll box. The Display Tab generates custom BBCode that allow users to post and show off their Pokémon on the Forums, or on other websites that utilize BBCode. There are three code boxes shown in the Display Tab, each one corresponding to different type of display code. A link to the Dress Up page is also shown in this Tab.


The last Tab on the Summary Page's scroll box is the Options Tab. The Options Tab allows users rename their Pokémon, set a Target Notification, set an EXP lock, or release the Pokémon.