Pi Day

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Pi Day is an Event celebrating Pi Day.


The active counters on Pi Day.

Because Pi Day 2015 fell on a Saturday, it replaced PokéFarm's weekly Superb Saturday event. Voting still took place on Fabu Friday (March 13th), even though the results did not affect the counters the following day. Different from a normal Superb Saturday event, Pi Day triggered all of the Bonus Counters to become active.

The amount by which the Bonus Counters were active were based of the first 12 numerical values in Pi. Niet's counter was active by x3.1, Garthic's by +4, Bacent's by 15%, etc.


The Pies show on a Pokémon's Summary Page.

Pi Day replaced the normal berries on a Pokémon's Summary Page with custom Pie Images. Each of the five berries had its own unique Pie type, reflecting each berry's flavour. Feeding a Pokémon a Pie had the same effect as regular berries.


Custom Sprite

Users who made at least 3,141 Interactions on Pi Day were given a Cheat Code to claim a Custom Sprite Nerdy Illumise the following day. [1] Users who met the aforementioned requirement and also made an interaction at 9:26:54 (3/14/15 9:26:54) were given a Shiny Nerdy Illumise instead of a normal one. [2]

Nerdy Illumise Custom Sprite
Normal Shiny
