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Pokémon Evolution on PokéFarm Q is very similar to the type of Evolution seen in the Canon Games. Following this concept, Pokémon on PokéFarm Q are able to permanently evolve into new, and different species if specific requirements and conditions are met.

Basic Concepts

The PokéDex displaying a Pokémon's Evolutionary Data.

Evolution is a permanent, irreversible, process in which a Pokémon transforms and becomes a new Pokémon. Most Pokémon, excluding Legendary and Single Stage Pokémon, are able to evolve into higher Stages (forms) of themselves. Evolving a Pokémon changes its species, and therefore also changes any attributes that it could have previously held, these attributes may include: type, egg group, field tolerance, colour, and physical appearance.

Evolution Criteria

All Pokémon that are capable of Evolution, each have unique and specific requirements that must be met before they are able to evolve. Specific evolutionary information and criteria can be found on your PokéDex, provided you have the desired Pokémon's Dex Entry. Listed below, are the most common evolution requirements. More than one criteria may be required for certain evolutions.


Most Pokémon become able to evolve once they reach a certain level. A Pokémon does not have to be at this exact level to evolve, but must have at least reached this level to do so; Pokémon are able to evolve at any level after they met their evolutionary requirement.

An example of an evolution prompt shown on a Pokémon's summary.


Some Items are capable of triggering evolution for certain Pokémon. The most commonly used evolutionary items are: Evolution Items, Evolution Stones, and Special Evolution Items, but other items may be used as well. A Pokémon that requires an item to evolve must be holding the item it before evolution is possible. An item that is needed for evolution is consumed and disappears from the Pokémon's Summary Page after evolution occurs.


Certain Pokémon must reach a high level of happiness before they are able to evolve. Pokémon which evolve by this method must have a Happiness Level of 220 or greater. A Pokémon's happiness can be raised by placing it in a preferred field.


Similar to how some Pokémon in Canon Games needed to be traded in order to evolve, some Pokémon on PFQ must also be traded to evolve. Some Pokémon evolve from trading alone, while others require a specific held item. Gifting and Wonder Trading both count as trading and are able to trigger evolution.

Further Requirements

A selected few Pokémon must meet even more specific requirements to evolve. These further requirements often include: being of a certain gender, the time of day being either day or night, specific party arrangements, or other specific conditions that are unique to a species. These requirements are often paired with other evolutionary requirements, in which case, both requirements must be meet to induce evolution.


The Everstone is an item directly related to the concept of Evolution. Once being held by a Pokémon, it stops the Pokémon's ability to evolve even if all conditions are fulfilled.

Since Pokémon do not evolve automatically on PokéFarm it is not necessary to use one to prevent an evolution. However, using an Everstone can reduce the chance of an user accidentally evolving his own Pokémon, and furthermore removes the Pokémon from the List of Pokémon ready to evolve on the Farm page.

Missing Evolutions

As of 2014-June-29, there are a few Pokémon that do not have evolutions programmed in. These currently include Sylveon and Milotic. This is due in part to their unique evolution requirements in the standalone games.