
From PokéFarm Q Official Wiki
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The Fields is a page on PokéFarm Q and can be accessed from the Nearby Places section of the Farm. It is where users interact with their farm's Pokémon population.

A user's Fields may hold their hatched Pokémon; however, they cannot hold eggs. The fields support a "click and drag" to move Pokémon into new positions in the field, from the party to the field, or from the field to the party.

Additionally, when a Fields page is loaded, the system will automatically remember the most recently visited Field from that Farm. This helps users easily return to previously visited Fields after refreshing or closing the tab. These "remembered" fields are forgotten again at site reset.[1]

Page Layout

Editing Fields

The fields page is often embedded into other pages through the "Select Pokémon" dialogue pop-ups. This dialogue is presented each time a user is required to select a Pokémon for an activity, e.g. the Daycare.

The fields' page layout may change depending on the page in which it emerges. However, the basic field structure remains the same throughout PokéFarm.

Farm Name

Users can name their farm and their "farm name" is displayed on the fields page.

The farm name can be anything, so long as it follows the Rules. A farm's name can be changed by clicking on the "✍" symbol.

When viewing from the Fields page, the farm name will be preceded by "My Fields," but will appear as "[username]'s fields" when displayed publicly.


Underneath the farm name is the Party section; it displays the Pokémon in a user's party. Under the party section are the fields' navigational controls. The navigation controls consist of three buttons: "Previous," "Field Selection," and "Next."

Clicking on the "Previous" and "Next" buttons will change the field that is active (displayed). The Field Selection button will display the active (shown) field's name. Clicking on the Field Selection button opens a dialogue with all of a user's fields, allowing for quick movement from one field to another.

Field Options

Unaligned Pokémon.
Aligned Pokémon.

The Field Options are accessed by clicking the hamburger icon (three horizontal lines) in the bottom right-hand corner of the active field. The following options are available:

  • Align to Grid: This option aligns all Pokémon in a field into a grid formation. This formation allows users to find Pokémon that might be hidden on top of one another or that may be otherwise hard to select. This is a temporary reconfiguration and will reset once the page has been exited out of or refreshed.
  • Move Pokémon: Allows for users to select multiple Pokémon to move from one field to another. All the Pokémon selected will be moved to the same field and retain their field positions, e.g. if Pokémon are placed in a "Stacked and Sorted" field configuration, they will remain in their "stacked" position.
  • Rename Field: Allows a user to rename the field.
  • Swap Field type: This option allows the user to swap the field's type.
  • Toggle visibility: This lets the user toggle whether the field is visible or hidden to the public. When the field is set to hidden, also known as private, a small lock appears beside the Pokémon count in the field.
  • Organise Fields: This option allows a user to reorder their fields. Fields can be moved by clicking the field's box and dragging it. Users can also double-click on the field boxes to toggle its visibility.
  • Search Fields: This option allows a user to search for a Pokémon species in their fields, displaying how many of the searched Pokémon the user has and in which fields they are in.
  • Buy new Field: This option allows the user to buy a new field to store more Pokémon.
  • Mass release: This option allows for the release of multiple Pokémon at once, provided they are all in the same field.
  • Sell: This option is used to sell fields. Note that only empty fields can be sold.

Field Purchase

Fields are bought with Credits. To buy a new field, click/tap the ☰ menu button in the lower right corner of the field area and choose "Buy new field". The cost of a field increases depending on the number of fields that a user owns.

The formula for determining the cost of a Field is: 100 * floor(x * 1.025(x-1)), where "x" is the number of Fields currently owned. For example, if a user owns 83 Fields, the next Field (the 84th one) will cost 62,800 credits. A tool to calculate the cost of a field can be found at The maximum amount of fields is 251.

Swap Field Type

Users may swap the field type of any of their fields. The field does not need to be empty to use this option. This option skips the need to remove Pokémon from the field, selling, and then rebuying the field. The cost of changing a Field's Type is the same as selling and re-buying the Field. This means the cost increases depending on the number of fields that a user owns.

Selling Fields

Fields can be sold using the "Sell" option in the field menu. A field must be empty to be eligible for sale; it is not possible to sell a field if it contains Pokémon.

The sale price is dependent on the number of fields a user owns. The price for the sale of a field is equivalent to half the amount of a new field purchase. Selling one field will earn half the credits required to purchase a new field immediately afterwards.

For example, if a user owns 10 fields, the cost of purchasing a new field (the 11th) would be 1,000 Credits. Therefore, the Credits gained from selling a field would be 500 Credits.

Field Types

There are 21 unique field types. A field's type grants it unique properties regarding its effects on certain Pokémon. Each field type has its own type-based affiliations (which affect a Pokémon's happiness), background image, and some hold evolution properties.

The Grass Field Affinity.

Field Affinities

A Pokémon's Happiness is affected by its Field. This depends on the type of matchup between the field's type (attacking) and the Pokémon's type (defending). Pokémon are happiest in a field that either matches their type or is super effective against the Pokémon's type. The use of a Pokémon Type Chart ( may be useful for Field selection, especially for Dual type Pokémon.

Note: Hisuian Zorua will only gain happiness in a Dark Type field due to both of its types having no effect against each other.

A user can see what the Field's Affinity is at the bottom of the field or on the Buy new Field Pop-up. The green heart and the Field Affinity indicate the types that will be happy in that field. While the broken red heart indicates the types that will not be happy in that field. Pokémon that are busy will not lose or gain Happiness.

Note: There is a known bug that sometimes a Pokémon will not gain happiness even after days of it being in the right Field. Take the Pokémon out of the field and then put it back in to fix this.

The different effects of this include:

  • Typeless Field: No effect on Happiness.
  • Field is 4x effective: Pokémon loves Field.
  • Field is 2x effective: Pokémon likes Field.
  • Field is 1x effective: Pokémon is neutral towards Field.
  • Field is 0.5x effective: Pokémon dislikes Field.
  • Field is 0.25x effective: Pokémon hates Field.
  • Field is 0x effective: Pokémon despises Field.

A Pokémon's affinity towards a field can result in Happiness loss/gain. A high/low Happiness can cause some Pokémon to evolve.

Click Expand to find a helpful chart on how much happiness a Dual Type Pokemon can gain or lose.

Dual Types
Type 2
Match Super Effective Neutral Not Very Effective No Effect
Type 1
Match +8/hr +6/hr +4/hr +2/hr -8/hr
Super Effective +4/hr +2/hr 0/hr
Neutral +4/hr +2/hr 0/hr -2/hr
Not Very Effective +2/hr 0/hr -2/hr -4/hr
No Effect -8/hr

List of Fields

Field Types
Name Affinity Image Loved by Hated by
Unknown None None
Normal 1
Normal 2

Water 1
Water 2









Field-Based Evolutions

Pokémon that have location-based evolutions in the main-series games will evolve when placed in the correct fields instead.

  • Eevee to Leafeon in Grass-Type Field
  • Eevee to Glaceon in Ice-Type Field
  • Magneton to Magnezone in Electric-Type Field
  • Nosepass to Probopass in Electric-Type Field
  • Charjabug to Vikavolt in Electric-Type Field
  • Crabrawler to Crabominable in Ice-Type Field
  • Galarian Yamask to Runerigus in Ground-Type Field while holding a Sticky Barb
  • Phastix to Phasmaleef (Forest) in Grass-Type Field
  • Phastix to Phasmaleef (Desert) in Ground-Type Field


  • The Field artwork is the same as the Friend Areas in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series.
  • A user will have to spend 403,092,400 to buy all 251 fields.
  • The maximum number of characters in a farm name is 100.
  • Before the 19th of August 2021, users could not easily swap a field's type.
    • Users had to empty the field, sell the field, and then rebuy a new field to change the type.
  • The best Field Type to raise a Hisuian Zorua's happiness is a Dark Type Field.
  • Before the 22nd of January 2024, the hated by heart symbol was represented by a regular red heart.
    • A user suggested that the symbols should have different shapes to help users with colour blindness.[2]


  1. Post by Niet on Nov 15th "Changelog" [1]
  2. Completed User Suggestion