Gold Poké

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The image used to denote Gold Poké.

Gold Poké, or GP, is a Premium Currency represented by a gold coin . Along with a variety of other services, it can be used to purchase different Account Upgrades, Forme-Change Items, and Event Eggs.


Opening Boxes

In rare occasions, the user may get a random quantity of Gold Poké between 25 and 175 when they open a box found in Scour Missions. For one Zophan Canister, the basic price is 2.5 Gold Poké; however, larger quantities of Gold Poké are subject to special deals.

Gold Poké Vouchers

Users can purchase Gold Poké Vouchers with Zophan Canisters and redeemed at this page. By giving these vouchers to Pokémon, the user can exchange Gold Poké with other users. Available Gold Poké Vouchers are:

  • 100 for 40 (full price)
  • 550 for 200 (10% extra)
  • 1,250 for 400 (25% extra)
  • 3,000 for 800 (50% extra)
  • 7,000 for 1,600 (75% extra)
  • 16,000 for 3,200 (100% extra)
  • 40,000 for 6,400 (150% extra)


The user can obtain 500 Gold Poké every 28 days from the Hypermode Page if they have Hypermode . They can also obtain the 500 Gold Poké bonus during their initial Hypermode upgrade, but only once.

Fabulous Friday

Every Fabulous Friday users can interact with others for GP. A user's ability to obtain Gold Poké is determined by the number of interactions they had on Friday. The next day, 'Superb Saturday,' is when the GP can be picked up from the Fabulous Friday page. A user in Hypermode can receive up to 250 GP, while a non-Hypermode user can only receive 125 GP.

Online Chain

By meeting the requirements of the online chain task, which can be found on this page, Gold Poké can be obtained.


Users can enter weekly Contests for a maximum of 350 Gold Poké. Gold Poké amounts are awarded according to the Pokémon's placement in the Contest.


Gold Poké may be used to: