Gender Differences

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Gender differences are differences in appearance due to a Pokémon species' gender. These differences can be very difficult to notice or more drastic.

The PokeDex shows only the male gender. Most Pokémon look identical despite their gender.

Below are the Pokémon with gender differences and a brief explanation of what the difference is.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
003 Venusaur
Female's flower has a seed in it.
012 Butterfree
Female has purple spots on her lower wings.
019 Rattata
Female has shorter whiskers.
020 Raticate
Female has shorter whiskers.
026 Pikachu
Female's tail ends in the upper half of a heart.
027 Raichu
Female's tail lacks a point and is smaller.
030 Nidoran
Female is light blue and male is purple.
043 Zubat
Female has smaller fangs.
044 Golbat
Female has smaller fangs.
047 Gloom
Female has one large spot per bud.
048 Vileplume
Female's petals have larger spots.
067 Politoed
Female has smaller cheeks.
069 Kadabra
Female has smaller whiskers.
070 Alakazam
Female has smaller whiskers.
091 Doduo
Male has black necks and female has beige necks.
092 Dodrio
Male has black necks and female has beige necks.
103 Steelix
Female lacks an outer tooth on each side.
105 Hypno
Female has more collar fur.
118 Rhyhorn
Female's horn is smaller.
119 Rhydon
Female's horn is smaller.
120 Rhyperior
Female's upper horn is smaller.
122 Tangrowth
Female's fingers have more magenta than blue.
127 Goldeen
Female's horn is smaller.
128 Seaking
Female's horn is smaller.
133 Scyther
Female's abdomen is larger.
134 Scizor
Female's abdomen is larger.
139 Magikarp
Male has yellow whiskers and female has white whiskers.
140 Gyarados
Male has blue whiskers and female has white whiskers.
143 Eevee
Female's have a flower-shaped tail pattern.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
169 Meganium
Female has shorter antennae.
180 Ledyba
Female has smaller antennae.
181 Ledian
Female has smaller antennae.
190 Xatu
Female has two body stripes.
198 Sudowoodo
Female's head "branch" is smaller.
202 Aipom
Female has longer head fur.
203 Ambipom
Female has longer head hair.
208 Wooper
Female has one set of gill branches.
209 Quagsire
Female has smaller dorsal fins.
210 Murkrow
Female's hat-like plumage is smaller.
215 Girafarig
Female's body has a larger yellow section.
219 Gligar
Female has smaller stinger.
225 Heracross
Female's horn is heart-shaped.
226 Sneasel
Female's left ear is shorter.
226 Hisuian Sneasel
Female's left ear is shorter.
227 Weavile
Female has shorter ears.
229 Ursaring
Female has shorter shoulder fur.
233 Piloswine
Female has shorter tusks.
234 Mamoswine
Female has smaller tusks.
237 Octillery
Female has smaller suction cups.
241 Houndoom
Female has shorter horns.
243 Donphan
Female has shorter tusks.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
270 Combusken
Female has smaller head feathers.
271 Blaziken
Female's head crest is smaller.
281 Beautifly
Female's red spots are smaller.
283 Dustox
Female has smaller antennae.
286 Ludicolo
Female has thinner stripes.
288 Nuzleaf
Female has smaller leaf.
289 Shiftry
Female has smaller leaves.
322 Meditite
Male's ears are higher than the female's.
323 Medicham
Female has a smaller bulb on her head.
330 Gulpin
Female's feather is shorter.
331 Swalot
Female has shorter whiskers.
336 Numel
Female has larger hump.
337 Camerupt
Female has larger humps.
346 Cacturne
Female has a large spike on her chest.
364 Milotic
Female's hair-like fins are longer.
377 Wobbuffet
Female's mouth has lipstick-like marking.
387 Relicanth
Female has shorter jaw guard.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
414 Starly
Female's head has less white.
415 Staravia
Female's forehead spot is smaller.
416 Staraptor
Female's forehead spot is smaller.
417 Bidoof
Female has less tail curls.
418 Bibarel
Male's face have two extra curls on beige mask.
419 Kricketot
Female has larger collar.
420 Kricketune
Female has smaller mustache.
421 Shinx
Female has blue hind feet and a shorter mane.
422 Luxio
Female has more blue on the rear ankles and a shorter mane.
423 Luxray
Female's mane is smaller.
425 Roselia
Female's body leaf is longer.
426 Roserade
Female has longer cape.
434 Combee
Female's lower face has a red mark and can evolve.
436 Pachirisu
Female's head stripe is shorter.
458 Gible
Male has notched fin.
459 Gabite
Male has notched fin.
460 Garchomp
Male has notched fin.
463 Hippopotas
Male and female's color patterns are inverted.
464 Hippowdon
Male's body is light brown while the female's body is dark grey.
467 Croagunk
Female has higher "bandages".
468 Toxicroak
Female's throat sac is smaller.
470 Finneon
Female has larger tail fins.
471 Lumineon
Female has larger fins.
474 Snover
Female's midsection is white.
475 Abomasnow
Female has longer chest fur.
901 Basculegion
Males have red accents, fierce-looking eyes, longer barbels, and growths on their chin. Females have light-blue accents, sad-looking eyes, shorter barbels, and additional accents around their lips and eyes.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
521 Unfezant
Male has a pink mask with long extensions while the female has a curved feather on the back of her head. The Male has a green underside and the female has a brown underside.
592 Frillish
Male is blue, has a ruffled collar, smooth, diamond-patterned tentacles, one upper eyelash per eye, and a star-shaped head pattern and a stiff crown. Female is pink and has a bulbous collar, frilled tentacles, one lower eyelash per eye, a flower-shaped pattern and a limp crown.
593 Jellicent
Body colour, eyes, head pattern, and tentacle differences are the same as Frillish. Females have larger eyes with two eyelashes each, a heart-shaped mouth, and a fluffy collar. Males have a facial covering resembling a large moustache.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
668 Pyroar
Male has a large mane, stockier body, and half-brown front legs. Female has long, flowing hair similar to a ponytail and mostly-brown legs.
678 Meowstic
Males are blue with white highlights and have green with light blue sclerae eyes. Females are white with blue highlights and have red and yellow eyes.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
875 Indeedee
Males have lowered eyes, a frown, and more black on their torso to resemble a suit. Females have wider eyes, a smile, and more white on their torso to resemble an apron.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
916 Oinkologne
Females have more brown bodies while males have a darker gray complexion. Male Oinkologne have a larger left ear which covers their left eye, and have a more magenta shade of pink for their hooves and snout. Male Oinkologne are also slightly plumper than the females, and have a differently shaped tail bobble.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
000 Sibex
Females have smaller horns, more white on the legs, less collar, and are a lighter colour than males.
000 Flarotis
Females have longer head and collar fur.
000 Flaroptera
Females have longer collar fur.
000 Alicalf
Females have a smaller horn and eyelashes.
000 Cetacorn
Females have a smaller horn and eyelashes.
000 Humbee
Females are brown with amber eyes. Males are blue with teal eyes.
000 Hummagona
Females are brown with amber eyes and a matching tuft of chest feathers. Males are blue with teal eyes and a matching tuft of chest feathers, and have two slightly longer tail feathers.


Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
025 Surfing Pichu
Male has blue swimgear and female has pink.
026 Flying Pikachu
Female's tail ends in the upper half of a heart.
026 Surfing Pikachu
Male has blue swimsuit/surfboard with a necklace. Female has a pink swimsuit/surfboard and tail ends in the upper half of a heart.
026 Snowboarding Pikachu
Male has blue scarf and goggles. Female has a pink scarf and goggles and tail ends in the upper half of a heart.
027 Flying Raichu
Female has a smaller tail that lacks a point.
027 Surfing Raichu
Male has blue swimsuit/surfboard with a necklace. Female has a pink swimsuit/surfboard and a smaller tail that lacks a point.
027 Snowboarding Raichu
Male has blue scarf and goggles. Female has a pink scarf and goggles and a smaller tail that lacks a point.
190 Early Bird Xatu
Female has two body stripes.
226 Snichu
Female has a split tail.
227 Vilechu
Female has a split tail.
336 Arctic Numel
Female has larger hump.
337 Arctic Camerupt
Female has larger hump.
421 Shinxel
Male has a spot on his back.
422 Fluxio
Female has exposed rear ankles.
423 Fluxray
Female's mane is smaller and the spot on her back is not in the centre.
434 Snow Combee
Female's lower face has a red gem and can evolve.
458 Gibolu
Male has notched head fins.
459 Gabolu
Male has notched head fins.
460 Garcario
Male has notched head fins.
592 Bubbly Frillish
Male is yellow, has upper eyelashes, a single head tuft, and a spot-patterned tentacle. Female is orange, has lower eyelashes, a double head tuft, and a teardrop-patterned tentacle.
593 Bubbly Jellicent
Male has yellow on the ends of his tentacles, four face spots, and three head tufts. Female has orange on the ends of her tentacles, two extra bottom tentacles, three connected face spots and two head tufts.
667 Glileo
Female has a smaller bulbed tail.
668 Pyriscor
Male has a large mane while the female has a smaller ponytail-like mane.

Totem Q

Dex No. Pokémon Male Female
198 Totem Sudowoodo Q
Female's head "branch" is smaller.
243 Totem Donphan Q
Female has shorter tusks.


  • Mega Evolutions do not have gender differences, even if other forms of their species do.
  • Some Pokémon with gender differences may evolve into Pokémon that do not have gender differences. Ex: Gloom evolving into Bellossom.
  • Some Pokémon without gender differences may evolve into Pokémon with gender differences. Ex: Pichu evolving into Pikachu.
  • Some Pokémon do not have a gender difference despite them having different forms. Ex: Shellos.