User Page

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Revision as of 02:21, 30 June 2014 by Nakia (talk | contribs)
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The User Page is a user-editable page accessed mainly from your Party. It displays a user's Trainer Card, party, and an about tab that can be personalized by the owner of the page.

Trainer Card

File:TC Default Front.png
Front of default trainer card.
File:TC Back.png
Back of trainer card with Shinies registered.(E Class)

Trainer Cards provide identification information on each individual member of PokéFarm. They are found on the public profiles of users and contain various information sections. Users with a Class listed on their trainer card will have their card surrounded by a small glowing aura that varies in colour and intensity depending on Class.

Front of the Trainer Card

The front of the trainer card is the default display, depicting a trainer sprite and the user's Favorite Pokémon. It also lists username, the current Credits amount of the user, the user's Starter Pokémon species, and Rank and Class of the user. Additionally, each user has a unique Trainer ID number.

Back of the Trainer Card

The back of the card can be accessed by clicking on the card. The back of the card once again displays the username, the date the user joined PokéFarm, the total number of interactions the user has made, and the EggDex, PokéDex, and ShinyDex progress of the user, with calculated percentages and progress bars. Beneath this information there is an image showing the icons of the user's current party.


This text-heavy space contains user-written information (written by the user owning the page). It can be edited to the owner's liking. The About section on the User-Page supports the CSS and BBCode offered on Pokefarm Q.


There is also a link to a user's Fields and other Pokémon, located above the user's party. Also, the user's last activity time is displayed above the Trainer Card, and their last action can be seen by hovering.