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The Shelter is the place where one may adopt Pokémon which have run away/have been released by their previous owner, or take Eggs which have been released from the DayCare. One may access the Shelter any time from the NavBar. Note that one cannot view the Shelter's contents if one's Party is full, unless one has a Shelter Reservation.


The Shelter page with some upgrades.

On the left side of the page, information about the current day in relation to the shelter is displayed. From top to bottom, they are:

  • Adoptions made: Displays how many adoptions one has made that day.
  • Type of Shelter Pass (with limitation) in use: The amount of adoptions one can make depends on the type of Shelter Pass they have. This is explained further in Upgrades.
  • Adoptions still left: Number of adoptions one can still make before they have to wait for the next day. When the limit is reached, the shelter will no longer be visible unless a Shelter Reservation is available.
  • Time left before the next day, for the purpose of indicating the daily adoption counter's reset.
  • (If applicable) Message that one's Party is full, but one may still put Pokémon/Eggs in Reserve.

With the Reload Shelter button, one can refresh the Pokémon/Eggs currently viewed in the Shelter. If there aren't enough circulating in the Shelter, one may end up with the same batch of Pokémon/Eggs. Anything shown under the Shelter Reload button are Upgrades and may or may not be included on one's screen.


There are several Shelter Upgrades available for Gold Poké (GP) or Zophan Canisters (ZC). One may find them by clicking on the Shelter Upgrades button, then use the arrows on the sides to navigate through the tabs (if one's mouse has a scroll wheel, they can use it to scroll - don't forget to put one's mouse somewhere in the Shelter box).

  • Shelter Pass: This allows one to adopt Pokémon/Eggs from the Shelter. There are six levels: C, B, A, S, X and ★. One obtains a Shelter Pass C during the tutorial and each further level grants them more adoptions a day than the previous level.
    • Shelter Pass C (6 adoptions): Obtained during the tutorial.
    • Shelter Pass B (14 adoptions): One-time purchase of 40 GP and requires Shelter Pass C to unlock.
    • Shelter Pass A (24 adoptions): One-time purchase of 200 GP and requires Shelter Pass B to unlock.
    • Shelter Pass S (36 adoptions): One-time purchase of 800 GP and requires Shelter Pass A to unlock.
    • Shelter Pass X (85 adoptions): One-time purchase of 2,400 GP, requires Shelter Pass S and at least 500 adoptions to unlock.
    • Shelter Pass ★ (127 adoptions): One-time purchase of 2,500 ZC, requires Shelter Pass X to unlock. Available in the Black Market.
  • Green Gigaremo: This Gigaremo can be used to stop Pokémon from moving. It can be activated and de-activated any time, for a one-time purchase of 1,000 GP.
  • Shelter Reservation: As the name implies, this upgrade allows one to reserve one Pokémon/Egg per Reservation. Extremely handy when one's Party is full and they don't want to miss out on that one Egg/Pokémon. Reservations don't count towards one's daily adoptions. Each Reservation costs 100 GP and can only be used once.
Note: Only 4 Shelter Reservations can be used at a time.
  • Black Flute/White Flute: The Black Flute repels Pokémon while one searches for Eggs. On the other hand, the White Flute makes sure Eggs stay away when one is searching for Pokémon. Both Flutes can be bought for a one-time purchase of 500 GP each.