Fishing Hut

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The Fishing Hut is one of the places on PokéFarm a user can visit. It is used to catch various aquatic Pokémon. It can be accessed from the Nearby Places tab on the Farm page.

Getting Started

Before the user can catch any Pokémon, an Old Rod has to be bought from the Fishing Hut. After purchasing one for the first time, the user receives 20x Fishing Poké Balls and 50x Freshwater Bait for free. More Fishing Supplies can be purchased later with Credits.

Once equipped with a rod and supplies, a user must choose a Fishing Zone. The River is available by default, but more areas can be unlocked later.

How the River Fishing Zone looks on PFQ.

Once an area is selected, a new screen with the user's supplies listed, a checkbox to enable sound effect and a spot to cast the line in is activated. When the checkbox is checked it enables a sound effect when the user hooks a fish. There are four spots (A, B, C and D). Picking any of the options moves to a new screen with the action "Reel in your rod".

A very short amount of time is required to wait before the action button shakes and is accompanied by the phrase "Something bites!". If the user enabled the sound effect, there is a bell that sounds along with the button shaking and the phrase. Clicking the button then will result in a battle. Clicking the button too early returns the Bait and exits back to the spot selection screen. Not reeling in the fish on time will cause the message: "It got away... You lost your bait."

It is possible sometimes to fail to catch anything. Failing is indicated by a specific message: "Nothing seems to be biting. The fish are nervous; try another spot." This message will continue to display until a new spot is selected.

During and After Battles

How a Battle appears.

When a battle is initiated, the hooked Pokémon will be displayed, along with two meters.

The "Strength" meter indicates how likely the Pokémon is to be caught. The higher the meter, the less chances it will be caught. Player actions can decrease the meter, but if the meter runs out completely, the Pokémon will flee away.

The "Wrath" meter indicates how likely the Pokémon is to flee. The higher the meter, the more chances it will flee.

While in battle, there are three available options on the top and an available option at the bottom:

  • Balls: Throwing a Poké Ball at the Pokémon has a chance of capturing it.
  • Bait: Throwing Bait at the Pokémon makes it slightly harder to catch but decreases the chance of it running away.
  • Rock: Throwing a rock at the Pokémon makes it slightly easier to catch it but increases the chance of it running away.
  • Release: Exits the battle by returning the Pokémon back into the water.

After successfully catching a wild Pokémon, the player can continue fishing in the same area, or return to the Fishing Hut. Captured Pokémon may be added to the user's farm or be released to the shelter in the Hut.

On rare occasions, the hooked Pokémon can be a Shiny Pokémon. The exact odds of this occurring are 1/1024. When this happens, the sprite displayed will be the shiny sprite, and a symbol will be next to the Pokémon's name. Shiny Pokémon will never run away unless their Wrath meter reaches maximum or their Strength meter is depleted, but otherwise, battles with Shiny Pokémon play out exactly the same as normal battles.

Fishing Gear

Fishing Gear consists of Bait and Poké Balls. They are necessary for successful fishing sessions.

If a user owns less than 20 Fishing Poké Balls, they are able to pick up free Fishing Poké Balls until they reach 20. This is possible once per day.

Image Name Description Price
Freshwater Bait A pellet of food made to appeal to Pokémon living in rivers. 4
Stillwater Bait A pellet of food made to appeal to Pokémon living in lakes. 6
Saltwater Bait A pellet of food made to appeal to Pokémon living in the sea. 10
Deepwater Bait A pellet of food made to appeal to Pokémon living in the ocean. 20
Fishing Poké Ball A device for catching Pokémon while fishing. Caught Pokémon are transferred to the Fishing Hut for collection. 200
Fishing Great Ball A good, high-performance Fishing Poké Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a standard Fishing Poké Ball. 600
Fishing Ultra Ball An ultra-high-performance Fishing Poké Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a Fishing Great Ball. 1,200

Fishing Rods

New and better Rods may be purchased after catching a number of Pokémon via fishing.

Image Name Description Requirements Price
Old Rod An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. N/A 5,000
Good Rod A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. Catch 50 Pokémon. 20,000

Fishing Zones

Name Type Description Requirement
River Freshwater A calm river filled with a variety of Pokémon. Perfect for beginners. N/A
Lake Stillwater A large lake where water has collected over a long time. Suitable for intermediate Fishers. Hook 40 Pokémon.
Sea Saltwater A great spot on the beach for reeling in Pokémon all day long. Some skill required to deal with waves. Hook 150 Pokémon.
Ocean Deepwater Ride out on a boat to fish with the best, out in the ocean blue! Hook 750 Pokémon.

Pokémon Locations

These are all the Pokémon that appear when fishing, along with which zone(s) they appear in and what rod must be used. Some Pokémon may appear in multiple zones.

Zone: River

Pokémon Sprite Zones Rod Required
Carvanha River Old, Good
Lotad River Old, Good
Blue Stripe Basculin River Good
Red Stripe Basculin River Good
Buizel River Good
Corphish River Good
Marill River Good
Oshawott River Good
Stunfisk River Good
Tympole River Good
Goldeen River, Lake Old, Good
Slowpoke River, Lake Old, Good
Barboach River, Lake Good

Zone: Lake

Pokémon Sprite Zones Rod Required
Surskit Lake Old, Good
Wooper Lake Old, Good
Bruxish Lake Good
Poliwag Lake Good
Dratini Lake Good
Froakie Lake Good
Mudkip Lake Good
Psyduck Lake Good
Shellos Lake Good
Totodile Lake Good
Veluza Lake Good
Arrokuda Lake, Sea Old, Good
Qwilfish Lake, Sea Old, Good
Frillish Lake, Ocean Good

Zone: Sea

Pokémon Sprite Zones Rod Required
Feebas Sea Old, Good
Finneon Sea Old, Good
Krabby Sea Old, Good
Seel Sea Old, Good
Spheal Sea Old, Good
Binacle Sea Good
Clauncher Sea Good
Piplup Sea Good
Popplio Sea Good

Sea Old, Good
Dondozo Sea Good
Squirtle Sea Good
Shellder Sea, Ocean Good
Wishiwashi Sea, Ocean Old, Good
Tentacool Sea, Ocean Old, Good
Staryu Sea, Ocean Old, Good
Remoraid Sea, Ocean Old, Good
Finizen Sea, Ocean Old, Good
Clamperl Sea, Ocean Old, Good

Zone: Ocean

Pokémon Sprite Zones Rod Required
Alomomola Ocean Good
Chinchou Ocean Good
Corsola Ocean Good
Dhelmise Ocean Good
Horsea Ocean Good
Luvdisc Ocean Good
Mantine Ocean Good
Mareanie Ocean Good
Relicanth Ocean Good
Skrelp Ocean Good
Wailmer Ocean Good

Zone: All

Pokémon Sprite Zones Rod Required
Magikarp River, Lake, Sea, Ocean Old, Good


  • The following Fish-type Pokémon do not have eggs in the Lab:
Alomomola, Arrokuda, Barboach, Basculin, Bruxish, Carvanha, Chinchou, Clamperl, Clauncher, Corphish, Corsola, Dhelmise, Dondozo, Feebas, Finizen, Finneon, Frillish, Goldeen, Horsea, Krabby, Luvdisc, Magikarp, Mantine, Mareanie, Poliwag, Qwilfish, Relicanth, Remoraid, Seel, Shellder, Slowpoke, Staryu, Stunfisk, Tatsugiri, Tentacool, Tympole, Veluza, Wailmer, Wishiwashi.
  • The icon used for the rock that can be thrown during battles is the Everstone item icon.