Special Evolution Items

From PokéFarm Q Official Wiki
Revision as of 14:11, 1 August 2014 by Kieri (talk | contribs) (Adding a small section describing how to use special evolution items)
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Special Evolution Items are evolution items made especially for Pokéfarm Q for Pokémon with a different means of evolving other than Evolution Stones, Specific Levels, Happiness, or Trading. Special Evolution items can be obtained in the shop for ₢2000, or found scouring.


To use a Special Evolution Item to evolve a Pokémon you must first navigate to a Pokémon's summary page. If it is your possession you will have the option to give it an item, located on the second panel. Giving an appropriate Special Evolution Item to a Pokémon prompts the evolution button to display, allowing you to evolve the Pokémon.


Ancient Power Orb An orb containing energy from an ancient power attack.
Corona Rock A rock with unusual magnetic properties.
Double Hit Orb An orb containing energy from a Double-Hit attack.
Ice Rock A Sphere of Ice that seems to freeze the air around it.
Mimic Orb An Orb containing energy from a Mimic Attack
Moss Rock A Sphere that's alive with vegetation.
Rollout Orb An orb containing energy from a Rollout attack.
Sachet A sachet filled with fragrant perfumes that are just slightly too overwhelming. Yet it's loved by a certain Pokémon.
Whipped Dream A soft and sweet treat made out of fluffy, puffy, whipped and whirled cream It's loved by a certain Pokémon.


The Everstone is considered a Special Evolution Item. However, it does not evolve Pokémon. Instead, its primary purpose is to prevent evolution. It is a held item.

Everstone can be purchased in the Shop for ₢500.