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Revision as of 12:52, 30 June 2014

Note: This page may not contain the latest version of the rules. Always be sure to check the latest rules on the main site.

Adventure Rules

These are the rules displayed upon sign up.

1.This site is PG-13. 2.No SPAM 3.You may add rules in your threads, but never override Site/Forum rules. 4.If someone is banned, it's not your business. 5.Treat others as you would have them treat you. 6.No advertising. See full details on Rules page. 7.Tag all spoilers in [hide] tags. 8.Only you may use your account, and you may only have one account. 9.British laws apply.

If you already have an account, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ONE! You will be found out, and you will be banned for breaking the "You may only have one account" rule. Absolutely positively never ever create a second account, for any reason whatsoever.

In Depth Rules

These were made to expand upon the basic Adventure Rules.

Forum Content Level

This site is intended to be child-friendly. This means avoid swearing or harsh language. There shouldn't be any need for it in general conversation. In RPs and FanFics, it should generally avoided - however if the context allows, it may be okay. Just so long as it's reasonable.

(Things being "context appropriate" applies to individual situations that are presented, for example - if people involved via. PMs are friends or otherwise.)

A. Alternate Ratings

We have seperate sections for different thread-ratings. Viewable for all, 15+ and the Mature forums. If a thread is generally child-friendly, but there's a post, or numerous posts, that are not, then you should use hide tags while stating the reason for the new rating. If a thread is PG-13 in content, it MUST be stated so in the thread title. If a thread is primarily PG-13 in content and has single posts that are PG-15 in nature, they should not be there. All PG-15 posts MUST be in the PG-15 area (or the Mature forums). If a thread is PG-15 in content, it MUST be in the 15+ area - no exceptions. ALL 18+ content MUST be placed in the Mature Forums. No exceptions.

B.Individual Forum Rules

Individual forums may have rules of their own. There may be a thread Pinned at the top of the forum's thread list, clearly named, which includes rules to be followed.

C.Mature Content In PMs

Mature content in PMs (Such as explicit Roleplays) are allowed, but only under certain circumstances. We require that each participant of an 18+ Roleplay that is taking place via. PMs, post a set-up in the mature forums.

This is to ensure that each participant is of age (18 or over).

The RP itself does not have to take place on the Mature Forums, only the set-up is necessary. Nothing more. If a user cannot view / post in the Mature Forums, then they are not suitable candidates for a Mature RP via. PMs.

No Spamming

SPAM will not be tolerated. Examples of SPAM include, but are not limited to, being off topic, posting something short and not worth the time to read, or posting random stuff for absolutely no reason. If you don't have anything useful to say, don't say anything: it wastes your time writing it, and it wastes ours cleaning it up. Most SPAM is obvious, but we also consider asking for clicks to be SPAM: if you want interactions, click other people and they will likely return the favour.

Just because a definition of SPAM is not listed here, does not mean that it is not SPAM. S.P.A.M stands for - "Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages".

A.Thread Purpose

Every thread must have a specific purpose, and it must fit within the scope of the forum it is posted in. Threads with no purpose may be deleted. Threads in the wrong forum may be moved to a relevant forum. Please make sure you're posting in the right place.


Please avoid changing the colour of the text, unless you have also changed the colour of the background. People may use a different Skin to you, so what you can read may be completely impossible to read for someone else.

C.Type Appropriately

Chatspeak is not acceptable. Check your spelling, and try to at least have understandable grammar. We understand that not everyone speaks English as their first language, but the difference between "someone who doesn't speak English" and "someone who speaks English and deliberately makes no effort" is painfully obvious.

D.Chat Threads

Do not make a thread for the sole purpose of chatting with others. These serve no purpose other than spamming up the forums, so they are not allowed. This applies to the entire forum, including Journals.

E.Asking Repeat Questions

This mostly applies to the Help forums, but is applicable elsewhere, too. Generally speaking, a lot of questions are answered already, if you just take the time to look - having the same question repeated 5 times, is 5 times the amount that the question actually needed to be asked.


Click-begging is SPAM no matter which way you look at it. PMs, on the forum... It isn't allowed. If you want click-backs, please click others and be active - that truly is the best way.


Don't post twice in a row - there is an edit button, make use of it! The SYSTEM should block any attempts to multi-post incorrectly, but in the event that this should fail, people shouldn't be trying to do so, anyway.

Rule Modifications

You may impose your own rules in threads you create. However, you may not - under any circumstances - override core site rules. For example, you cannot say "Spamming is okay here" - as it is not okay, ever. Similarly, you cannot say "Swear as much as you want," "Post all your eggs here," "Type like an idiot," "Post random pictures," or "Advertise random websites you like." All of these have been seen and deleted before, which is why they are being mentioned.

Posting Rules

You may not multi-post unless a certain amount of time has passed. This varies based on the forum you are in. Typically the threshold is a week since the last post was made, but in other forums it can vary from one hour, to two days, and so on. This rule is automatically enforced, so if the system allows you to double-post, then it's okay.

A.Thread Hijacking

"Thread Hijacking" is the act of taking a thread completely off-topic and using it for your own purposes, when you should be creating a new thread for whatever the new topic is.


Necro-posting is defined as posting in a dead thread. A thread is to be considered "dead" if the last post in it was more than a month ago. Unless you have a good reason to revive a thread, please avoid doing so.

C.Posting Images

Don't post massive pictures. No picture should be wider than 600px, or taller than 400px. For bigger pictures, use a link. Consider also the size of the file itself. Avoid images bigger than a couple hundred kilobytes, tops.

Locked Members

There are five kinds of Lock: Site, Forum, PM, Chat and Trade. Locks are placed if a user breaks one or more rules, and are always accompanied by a reason. Locks are confidential, and you should NOT ask about someone else's account being Locked. Depending on the Lock, it will expire by itself, or the Locked user can contact the Support Centre to dispute the Lock.

Users ARE allowed to talk about their own locks [--IN PRIVATE--], but should be aware that we reserve the right to make information about their lock public, if we find out that individuals are lying about the reason that their account was locked.

Respect Members

This should be common sense, but nonetheless... Just as you're sat at your computer, the other people you will be interacting with are sat behind theirs too. These people are real; they are not robots, this means that just as you have feelings, so do they. Please take other people's feelings into account when talking to them. Do not be unduly rude to anyone, and if anyone is rude to you (especially without reason), please report them, do not take matters into your own hands. On that note...


Mini-modding is the act of essentially doing a member of staff's job for them - for example, Person {A} observes Person {B} breaking rules by Spamming and tells this user that they are breaking a rule, instead of informing a member of staff. By doing this, Person {B} is less likely to remove the offending material, leaving the SPAM there until a member of staff comes across it, or it is reported by some other person.

In doing this, Person {A} is also essentially showing that they think that the staff cannot do their jobs correctly, and so, takes the time to do it for them, which is not only unappreciated, but often causes more trouble than if it was simply reported in the first place.

B.It's their choice, not yours.=

People can play this game how they want to play. If they want to one-click, that's their choice and you have no right to berate that individual, or PM them telling that 'they have to click more'. If they want to block you from sending any more friend requests, then that is their choice, you have no right to tell someone that they should unblock you or that their blocking you was unfair.

It is their choice. Not yours. Drop it.

We're all playing the same game, but we're all playing it on our own terms. You are not allowed to enforce your terms on to anyone else, regardless of who they are.

C.Staff Members

Remember, the staff are people too - but as much as they may be staff, these rules apply to them as well.

A staff member should respect you, as much as you should respect them - especially taking into account that they're often just doing their job, and as such, do not deserve disrespect for merely doing the job that is laid out for them. They do not choose to punish you, they are merely doing what their guidelines tell them to.


Please do not advertise in your forum posts. It is, however, acceptable to link to a site you own in your signature, but only with a text link. You may post adoptables in your signature too. These must use the Display Code given to you by the site they come from. You can also, of course, use the Advertisement box at the top of the site - click the "Your Ad Here" to the right of it for more information.

It is acceptable to post a text link to other accounts you own on other websites in your "about me" section, or on your trainer card, such as PokéHeroes or GPX+ - however, we do not allow promotion, eg. "This site is better than PokéFarm" - anything more than a text link is not allowed.


There are many special mechanics and secrets to be found in PokéFarm Q. It is acceptable to research them and share your findings, however it is required for you to either tag the thread name with "spoilers", and/or use a [hide] box to contain the possible spoilers - some people might want to find things for themselves!


Every person is allowed ONE account. Users who are found to have two or more accounts will have them all indefinitely Locked. This decision MAY be changed, depending on how you behave when you contact the support centre, so if this happens to you, be sure to mind your manners.

A.Account Control

An account may ONLY be controlled by the person who created it. If you are using a public computer, or even one that is shared with family, please ensure you log out when you are done. We cannot be held responsible if someone else gains access to your account and messes with it! But also, having two or more people on the same account is unfair towards other players.

B. Bots & Macros

Bots and macros are programs and scripts that do things for the player, rather than the player having to do them by themselves, or make things take less work even while the player is in control. They exist to make actions faster and/or easier, and are a form of CHEATING. The owner of the account is the only one allowed to do ANYTHING with their account; that means that bots and macros aren't allowed, because they take control away from the account owner.

British Laws Apply

Since this is a British website, all British laws apply and anything illegal cannot be discussed. Failure to follow these laws on this website could result in a ban. We don't expect you to know every law, that's ridiculous. However, they are common sense for the most part!

Interacting With Staff

The staff are here to help you. However, they are not required to respond to, nor assist people, if they go at them guns blazing, or if people are rude to them without relevant cause (which there should never be). It is the staff's job to help people if they require assistance. It is NOT the staff's job to endure an individuals verbal diarrhea because of whatever reason.

A.Wasting staff time

Don't do it! There's a lot of work for us to do, and if you pile on unnecessary extra work we might have to take action to prevent it. Wasting staff time includes - but is not limited to - PMing staff simply to annoy them, PMing them questions that you can find the answers to yourself in the help files or on the forums, and making false reports.

As an aside, being impatient and PMing multiple staff members the same problem / question falls under wasting staff time. If the staff member that you asked a question doesn't know the answer, then they'll ask the rest of staff. Long story short, we communicate.

B.Contacting the right member of staff

The staff have different jobs among them. Some are in charge of lurking the forums and removing SPAM, moving threads, such and so forth - and others are more active in the support centre and on-site as a general rule, with less focus on the forums. You can find out what staff member is doing what job by looking at the Staff Roster!, and with any luck, you should be able to message the correct staff member for your issue!

If not, then it's no real problem, as we are all in contact with one another - it does make things easier if the right person is contacted first, though, so please give that a try! :)

C.Help us help you

If you have a problem, please try to be as clear as possible and provide as much information as you can. If you are unsure on what information needs to be provided, just mention you're not sure on what we want to know, and we'll be more than happy to tell you what we need from you.

This also applies to the Bugs forum, the more we know, the easier it is to assist you.

D.Contacting the Support Centre

In the case of a user's account being locked, they should NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Doing this will only lead to a nigh-indefinite lock, due to having broken rule 9.

To discuss a lock, the Support Centre should be used. Nothing else.

A link to the support centre can also be found on the announcements bar, under the "Useful Links" drop-down menu.

Equally, if you lose your password, again, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Use the password recovery function - if you can't do that, then contact the support centre. We'll do our best to help you!

If you want to change your e-mail, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Contact a member of staff on-site, or use the support centre - again, we'll do our best to help you!

If you want to change your username, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. Contact a member of staff on-site, or use the support centre... Hopefully you're seeing a pattern here!

Creating a new account will only result in you breaking a very serious rule, which may lead to you having an indefinite Lock on your account. DO NOT DO THIS!

E.Reporting a Staff Member

If there is an issue with a staff member, you can use the report function on that staff member's page, if you don't mind that they, and all the other staff members, will be able to see it. Ultimately, only the "Staff Manager" will reply to you, regardless.

That said, if you would prefer that it be kept private, between only yourself and the "Staff Manager", then be sure to look up who that individual is on the Staff Roster and send a PM directly to them.

Reporting a staff member is a serious matter, and is something that will not be taken lightly.

Trade Forum Rules

These rules are in addition to the main rules.

  • When a thread's purpose is complete, delete it.
  • The BUMP rule is changed here to allow 48 hours between two consecutive posts. This ONLY applies to the owner of the thread.
  • You MAY trade Pokémon and other PokéFarm items in exchange for off-site services. However, we accept no responsibility if you are scammed, so do so at your own risk. More on this below.
  • We may delete threads older than a certain threshold, depending on how active the thread was. A once-active shop may be left alone even after a month of inactivity, whereas a clearly unfair trade request may only last a few days.
  • NEVER offer the same item twice, unless you actually have two or more of them. Offering the same item to two different people is extremely rude. Similarly, do not offer something that you do not yet have. Don't offer a Hydreigon if you only have a Zweilous, and don't offer Eggs until they've hatched.
  • Stealing another persons Pokémon, under any circumstance, is prohibited - and will likely lead to immediate removal from the site until the issue is resolved, if you're found stealing from anyone.
  • Prepaying is not allowed - full stop. We have had far too many issues with people getting scammed after they pre-pay and thus being unable to get their stuff back because of it. It is Not. Worth. The trouble.

Rules specific to the Trades forum:

  • Each thread should have a single purpose. "Purpose" may refer to a single trade (ie. "Looking for X, offering Y"), or a number of related trades (ie. "Need X, Y, Z, offering A, B, C", or "Summons for sale"). As a general rule, you should not add more to a thread in the Trades forum.
  • Make sure the name of your thread clearly states what you are offering and/or looking for.

Please avoid using special symbols in thread titles, as this makes it harder to read. While you should avoid having more than one trade thread open at a time, it is not forbidden provided you are actively dealing with both/all of them.

Rules specific to the Trade Shops subforum:

  • Each user may own one and only one thread in this forum. If you want another, you must delete your old one.
  • That said, threads may be "co-owned" by friends. This should be explained in the first post. You may "co-own" as many threads as you can keep track of, but only one thread can list you as the author.
  • The 48-hour BUMP rule applies to the owner and all co-owners collectively. Co-owners may not post back-to-back to artificially BUMP the thread.
  • Shops offering breeding (for Shiny Hunts, etc.) are not allowed, neither are you allowed to ask for people to breed for you.

More on off-site trading:

  • While we do allow off-site trading, not all sites do. Make sure you check the Terms of Service of the other site to make sure they allow off-site trading too.
  • Off-site trades are strictly limited to items with no cash value. This means pretty much any virtual item is okay, as are most gift cards (provided they are limited to a single site, such as Wii Points - Amazon gift vouchers are NOT allowed). You may also trade for physical goods, including (but not limited to) Trading Cards, toys, etc.. Any attempt to trade PokéFarm items for actual money (or equivalents such as PayPal credit) is a bannable offence.
  • All off-site trades are done at your own risk. They are not logged or tracked by our system, and we cannot be held responsible if you lose out. Please only engage in off-site trading with people you trust.

These rules may be amended at any time.