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The Dojo is a Nearby Place where farmers can train and battle their Pokémon. It is divided into two Halls, the Training Hall and the Sparring Hall.


A user must buy the Super Training Bag for 10,000 Credits before they are able to begin using the Dojo.


  • HP or Hit Points represent how much damage a Pokémon can sustain until it is unable to continue battling.
  • Attack, often abbreviated Atk, determines how much damage a Pokémon can inflict with physical attacks.
  • Defense, often abbreviated Def, determines how much damage a Pokémon sustains when hit by a physical attack.
  • Special Attack, often abbreviated Sp. Atk, determines how much damage a Pokémon can inflict with special attacks.
  • Special Defense, often abbreviated Sp. Def, determines how much damage a Pokémon sustains when hit by a special attack.
  • Speed, often abbreviated Spd, determines which Pokémon acts first in any given turn of a battle. In the event of two Pokémon having the same Speed stat, move order will be determined randomly.
  • IVs, or Individual Values, are 6 random numbers from 0 to 31 that correspond to each of the 6 stats. These numbers are assigned when the Pokémon is hatched, either randomly or inherited from the Pokémon's parents. The higher the number, the higher the stat will be. There are currently no ways to change a Pokémon's IVs.
  • EVs, or Effort Values, are 6 numbers from 0 to 252 that correspond to each of the 6 stats. These numbers all start at 0 and can be raised through the use of Training Bags. Only 510 total EVs can be acquired.
  • IQ is a value that represents a Pokémon's intelligence. It starts at 0 and can be raised through the use of Gummis. Pokémon with a high IQ value are more likely to use super-effective moves, and will choose moves that match their higher attack stat.

Training Hall

The Training Hall is where Training Bags can be used to boost a Pokémon's EVs. Initially, only one Pokémon can be trained at a time. Extra Training Bags can be purchased for 400 each, for a maximum of 6 spaces.

Once a Pokémon is selected, up to 6 Training Bags can be selected for the Pokémon to use. Interactions must then be made for the bags to be used. Once all bags are consumed, selecting Finish it! will grant the EVs and allow for more bags to be selected. In the event a Pokémon reaches the maximum allotted EVs for a stat, any additional bags of that type will be returned to the farmer's Inventory.

If a Pokémon is left in training with no Training Bags to use, it will try to find bags instead. Up to 6 bags can be found at a time; once 6 are found, they must be collected before the Pokémon can find more.

While a Pokémon is in training, Interactions must be made in order for any progress to be made.

Sparring Hall

The Sparring Hall is where Spars can take place. Spars last for up to 5 turns, and are completely automated.

Before a Spar can occur, a Spar Request must be sent to another farmer. Each Spar Request costs 100 to send. If the farmer who receives the request accepts, a Spar will then take place.

A Spar pits one Pokémon from each farmer against each other. If either Pokémon reaches 0 HP, the Spar will end immediately, otherwise it will continue until 5 turns elapse. If both Pokémon are still above 0 HP after 5 turns, the one with the higher remaining HP will be declared the winner. During a Spar, Pokémon will select moves on their own based on their IQ. After a Spar, the winner receive either a Large or a Bonus Training Bag, and the opposing player will receive a Medium Training Bag.

Gems in Sparring - A Pokèmon may hold a gem before going into a sparring match. The gem will give the pokemon an extra Type to attack with that is randomly chosen unless the pokemon is smart enough (their IQ stat, which can be trained with Gummi consumables) to understand type match ups. This means that the gem type does not have to match the pokemon's type. Additionally, the gem size does not matter, and the gem will not be consumed upon initiation of a sparring match.