Updates 2020

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Revision as of 14:56, 22 February 2020 by Cele (talk | contribs) (→‎February)
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Date Update
February 20th[1]
  • The right mouse button no longer pops up the context menu on Fields when clicking, so you can use both mouse buttons to "twiddle" your fingers and get more clicks with less physical movement.
  • "Nothing" in Boxes has been removed. There is no longer a 1% chance of Boxes containing Nothing. Instead, that percentage point has been added to the Big GP reward.
  • Z-Crystals at any time. If you activated your Albino Radar without a Z-Crystal, and then decide you wanted to use one after all, you can do that. You will need to pay the IP cost again (same as charging to a higher level, you don't get a refund) but at least now you don't have to wait until the next day any more. If you used a Z-Crystal, however, you can't change items. You're stuck with that Crystal until the end of the day. This only applies if you didn't use a Crystal to begin with.
  • Egg Timer overhaul.The Egg Timer has received the following adjustments:

- It now uses Party Clicks, not Field Clicks. This is to encourage interacting with more people, not with the same people repeatedly.

- The number of interactions required to reach max level has been reduced accordingly.

- EXP gained per hour has not changed.

  • Kinaster's breeding rate has been greatly improved.
