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The Staff is made up of a group of users who are responsible for the management of PokéFarm Q.

Staff Positions

File:Art Get Well Sally.png
Art of the Staff (as of Sep. 2014) PokéSonas.

There are different positions within the staff, each with its own set of unique responsibilities. Staff members are granted administrative powers unavailable to the general userbase. These powers vary depending on the responsibilities of each staff position. All members of the staff are granted Hypermode for their service to PFQ, and have access to the "Staff Hideout" section of the Public Forums. Members of the Staff can also hold Community Helper ranks, i.e. Wiki Editor or Helping Hand.

PokéFarm's social media accounts are all controlled and operated by the PokéFarm staff.

Graphics Team

Members of the Graphics Team create various types of artwork for the use on PFQ. Graphic Team members, although part of the staff, have no administrative powers and are not required to participate in other staff-related operations. Graphics Team members should not be contacted with sensitive, staff-related issues.

The current members of the Graphics Team are: Bec, Naiyala,Novan-chan, SciZoroark, Suddenhack, Shazi, and Tazzay.

Content Creators

Content Creators help produce content for PokéFarm's social media websites, such as with YouTube collaborations. Content Creators have no administrative powers on PFQ, and should not be contacted with sensitive, staff-related issues.

There is currently no Content Creators.


Moderators-in-Training (MiT) are users who are training to join the staff as full Moderators (General or Forum). MiT's have the same administrative powers as Moderators, but lack the ability to place locks on users. Although MiT's have limited Staff Powers, they are still readily available to answer questions or to help out with user problems and concerns.

Even though MiTs are below Moderators in the staff hierarchy, their decisions and warnings carry the same authority. MiTs are to be respected and treated in the same manner as Moderators are.

There are currently no MiTs.


Moderators (Mods) work to make sure that PokéFarm maintains a stable state of control and peace by making sure that all Rules are followed and enforced. Moderators are able to kick users from the PokéFarm Live chat, remove and edit user content, and manage the Support Centre. Moderators make up the largest portion of the staff, and are usually available to help the general userbase with any issues they may encounter while on the website.

The current Mods are: Ledah, Methos, RedCydranth, Uzumi, and Ravyne.

Forum Moderators

Forum Moderators (Forum Mods) are Moderators that focus on maintaining PokéFarm Q's Public Forums. A Forum Moderator can do anything a General Moderator can, but does not need to participate in General Moderator's responsibilities. Managing inactive threads, reducing SPAM, and cleaning forum subsections are their main objectives.

The current Forum Mods are: Atra, Marie-Chan, and Persephone.

Super Moderators/Managers

Super Moderators (SuperMods) are experienced Staff members who oversee general Staff affairs. Super Mods have a strong presence among the Staff and are capable of overruling lower-ranking staff members. Issues beyond a Moderator's control or experience is brought up to Super Mods. Super Mods are also able to grant users permission to use PokéFarm art.

Most of the Super Mods also have Manger positions. A Manager position is a secondary position within the Staff, each Manager has their own unique responsibilities.

The current SuperMods are: Constantine (Forum Manager), Eltafez (General SuperMod), and Looker (Art Manager)


Administrators (Admins) are the highest authorities on PokéFarm Q. Administrators are responsible for the sustentation of PFQ, and directly oversee all PFQ operations. Administrators are able to overrule all staff members under them.

There are three Administrators on PFQ: the System Administrator (Programmer), Staff Admininistrator, and the Art Director. Niet, the System Administrator, also serves as the Programmer of PFQ. He is responsible for all of PFQ's internal maintenance including, but not limited to: resolving bug reports, creating and updating site features, and maintaining the system. Garthic, the Staff Administrator, oversees the staff and their daily operations. Sei serves as Art Director for PFQ and oversees all the art-related things, including but not limited to: artwork, sprite development, and event design.

The current Administrators are: Garthic (Staff Admin), Niet (System Admin), and Sei (Art Director).

Retired Staff

Users who hold a Retired Staff position are former members of the Staff. The Retired Staff position an honorary title, and not an actual staff position. Retired Staff members do not have any responsibilities or administrative powers, and should not be contacted with questions concerning their leave from the Staff.


All members of the Staff are given special userbars that are displayed above their Rank on the Forums and in PMs. A staff userbar will display the holder's position, and can be used to verify official members of the staff throughout the website. Super Mods, Administrators, and Forum Mods are given custom userbars that are not available to other members of the staff. These custom userbars usually feature the staff member's PokéSona and use their preferred colors. Staff userbars will usually list secondary positions instead of primary positions, e.g. Niet, an Admin, has a "Programer" userbar.

The userbars listed in the table below are currently in use.

Graphics Team Content Creator Mod-in-Training Retired Staff
File:Userbar RetiredStaff.png
Admin (SYSTEM) Admin (Garthic) Admin (Niet) Admin (Sei)
Super Mod (Constantine) Super Mod (Eltafez) Super Mod (Looker) Super Mod (Ravyne)
File:Userbar Ravyne.png
Forum Mod (Atra) Forum Mod (Marie-Chan) Forum Mod (Persephone) Mod (Uzumi)
Mod (Ledah) Mod (Methos) Mod (RedCydranth)


All members of the staff have PokéSonas, many of which are Non-player Characters (NPCs) that contribute to PokéFarm's storyline. The Bonus Counters, Lab, Wishforge, and Dojo all feature staff NPCs. Staff NPCs all perform tasks relevant to the PokéSonas they are based on, e.g. Ravyne's NPCs are both based around Gems.

Below is a gallery featuring PFQ's error page images. All of the images were made by Artist Novan-Chan, they each feature different members of the staff.